Kamis, 18 Mei 2017


The fan is used to generate wind. Common functions are for air conditioning, air freshener, ventilation (exhaust fan), dryer (generally using heat-generating components).
A. The main parts of the fan are:

1. Motor drive
Type of electric motors are generally used induction motor phase division is a capacitor motor. For small fan, shading pole shade pole motor is used.
2. The fan section
The fan in the form of a propeller is a rotating part and a shaft with a motor rotor. The fan section is protected by a fan house in the shape of a grille or a tralis.
3. House fan
4. Motor home
Motor homes are the holder places to place motors and other components and are made of ebonite material.
5. Stand or fan stand complete with speed regulator
This tool is to place the fan and drive rotor, equipped with the tool / speed button and the on / off motor.

B. Fan parts

1. Blade (blade) Blade is a rotating object that produces wind in the fan.
2. Front Guard Function as a protector of the blade so as not to touch when the blade rotates.
3. Rear Guard Function as a motor protector.
4. Motor Cover It is also a protective motor.
5. Motor Buffer As a buffer on the motor.
6. Swicth as motor controller.
7. Has This is in the motor, but this is what can rotate in the motor.
8. Motor Fan This is the most important thing in the motor. This makes the fan can be vibrant.
9. Gear Motor This is an item that can make the fan rotate left to right.

C. The superiority of the fan is compared to the air conditioner

A. Improve air circulation
B. Healthier

C. More efficient and environmentally friendly


Pengertian, contoh dan rumus causative have/make

 Causative have/make
A.    Causative have
adalah sebuah susunan kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang mempunyai arti menyuruh, meminta, bahkan memaksa orang lain melakukan sesuatu. Dalam bahasa Inggris causative have bisa nggunakan kata HAVE, MAKE, GET, dan LET.

Causative have dibedakan menjadi 2, aktif dan pasif.

1. Causative have dalam kalimat aktif.
Rumus causative have dalam kalimat aktif

Rumus: Subject + HAVE + Object 1 + Verb 1 + Object 2

I have my sister cook friend rice = Saya menyuruh adik saya memasak nasi goreng

Dalam kalimat diatas, causative have diterapakan pada kalimat aktif. Dalam artian saya (subject) meminta adik saya (object) untuk memasak nasi goreng.
Ingat setelah object, verb 1 (cook) harus dipakai.

2.  Causative have dalam kalimat pasive
Rumus causative have dalam kalimat pasif

Subject + HAVE + Object 2 + Verb 3

I have friend rice cooked = Saya minta nasi goreng dimasakan.

Dalam kalimat diatas, causative have digunakan pada kaliamt pasif. Ini berarti Object pertama tidak perlu disebutkan alias tidak diketahui siapa yang diminta melakukan kegiatan itu.
Ingat setelah object Verb 3 (cooked) harus digunakan.

B.   Causative Make
Kata causative “make” hanya dapat diaplikasikan pada kalimat active (active clause). Make memiliki makna yang lebih kuat daripada have atau get.
Subject + Make + Object + V1

Contoh penerapan causative “make” dalam kalimat: 

a. The robber made the teller give hime the money.
(Perampok membuat petugas teller memberikan uangnya)
Catatan :
Kalimat tersebut sama dengan artinya “the robbers forced the teller to give him the money”
(Perampok memaksa petugas teller memberikan uangnya)

b. The manager made the employee attend the meeting.
(Manager meminta/memaksa karyawan menghadiri pertemuan itu)

c. The teacher always makes the children stay in their seats.

(Guru selalu memaksa/meminta anak anak tetap tinggal di tempat duduknya)

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